Mplayer Demo Deathmatch Hintbook # Page 5 of 6
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Surprise is your weapon here, and it’s very effective. Throwing an opponent off his or her pattern will leave your foe disoriented and scared. This technique gives you a definite advantage, and it requires only that you think as you play!



Doing Battle with JOHN ROMERO

A chosen few will win the opportunity to do battle with the infamous deathmatch daddy, John Romero, chairman of Ion Storm and creator of Daikatana. It takes supernatural ability to beat the creator at his own game. Hone your skills and prepare for the ultimate challenge!

tricks and techniques: Romero’s approach to deathmatch is straightforward. Don’t expect him to use too many wacky tricks, cheap or otherwise. Count on pure, in-your-face, unadulterated deathmatch.

In general, Romero prefers to attack from a distance. Sometimes this technique manifests as sniping from a high tower or window. In face-to-face combat, this means he’ll try his best to stay back at the edge of the room to get in a good long shot at you.

If you have the option, watch for Romero to dodge in and out of scenery, between poles and pillars, and around corners. He tries to strike a balance between aggressive fighting and hiding, but he’ll rarely run straight at you.

An effective technique against his style of deathmatch is outright aggression: running straight at him forces him to face you at close quarters.

Beware: this tactic is effective only if you can match Romero’s aim! If you try to smash him face-to-face with inferior aim, you’ll lose. But a few runs straight at him will give him a good scare and keep him running away. Once he turns his back to you to run, he becomes an easier target. If all else fails, and your aim just can’t compete, keep your distance and take it one shot at a time.

Make an effort to collect as many power-ups and Health Packs as you can. Don’t be afraid to run to keep your distance, if you need to. If you can keep some space between you, Romero may adopt the same approach, and the match will become a long-distance rocket battle. In this case, your chances are best if you stay powered up, calm, and listen to sound cues to keep tabs on Romero’s location.

weapons, areas and patterns: Because he usually fights from a distance, expect Romero to use a weapon that does radius damage. In this case, he’s most likely to use the Sidewinder, which allows him to fire at you from tough-to-access areas.

This is an effective technique against an impatient opponent, so do your best to wait him out! Unless he’s right next to some rocket ammo, eventually he’ll exhaust his ammunition and be forced to change weapons.

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