Game Tweaking

are a couple of useful console command available to tweak
Daikatana. But first you need to be able to open the console.
Download this file
first and place it into your \Data folder of the Daikatana
Installation. By the next start of Daikatana you should
be able to activate the console while pressing "`"
key, it's the key left of "1" and under "Esc".
Note: Before you quit Daikatana please save your config
file to be sure that the following binds are saved. You
can replace the mentioned bind "key"
with every keys you want, the following keys are only
examples. Alternative you can just make a new .cfg file
and put the commands into it, and execute it with the
"autoexec.cfg". This file can you download here.
To execute a config, just put the line "exec configname.cfg"
in the "autoexec.cfg" file. Replace "configname.cfg"
with the name of you config.
Texture resolution switching (from F1 -> F6 key):
bind "f1" "set gl_picmip
0; vid_restart"
bind "f2" "set gl_picmip 1; vid_restart"
bind "f3" "set gl_picmip 2; vid_restart"
bind "f4" "set gl_picmip 3; vid_restart"
bind "f5" "set gl_picmip 4; vid_restart"
bind "f6" "set gl_picmip 5; vid_restart"
game to Fullscreenmode:
bind "]" "vid_fullscreen
Switch game to Windowmode:
bind "[" "vid_fullscreen 0"
To remove particle effects, like smoke, rain etc.:
bind "PGDN" "cl_particles
Turn off shadows:
set gl_shadows "0"
Turn off dynamic lightning:
set gl_dynamic "0"
Turn off red-screen if you're hit by a weapon:
set gl_polyblend "0"
Set resolution (same than in video options):
set gl_mode "4"
;0 - 320 x 200
;1 - 400 x 300
;2 - 512 x 384
;3 - 640 x 480
;4 - 800 x 600
;5 - 960 x 720
;6 - 1024 x 768
;7 - 1152 x 864
;8 - 1280 x 960
;9 - 1600 x 1200
Set Field of View:
set fov "110"
Correction (smaller = brighter):
set vid_gamma "0.5"
If you don't want to modify your own config you can just
download some player configs right here.
