Mplayer Demo Deathmatch Hintbook # Page 3 of 6
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Once your mouse is properly configured, you can focus on your keyboard setup. Select the four keys you’re most comfortable with for moving in each direction. For example, a standard setup for a right-handed player uses W, A, S, and D to move.

Choose a nearby key, such as Space Key for Jump. You also must select a Use key, such as Shift Key or a second mouse button.

Once you’ve set up these basics, you can bind any number of aliases or weapons to convenient keys. Play with your configuration to find the one you like best, and then stick with it. The more comfortable you are with your configuration, the less it will trip you up as you pursue an opponent.

knowing the maps and practicing aim: Never underestimate the power of practice! Playing the game hour after hour is the only way to really improve your playing skills. Practice against a variety of skilled players, because each opponent brings a new strategy to the maps. And, although playing against less-skilled opponents can be fun, you’ll improve most dramatically when you practice against players with higher skill levels than yours.

guide15a.jpg (12332 bytes)Your aim must be precise to take on a skilled deathmatch opponent, and repetitive practice will improve it dramatically. Aiming at a slight angle toward your opponent’s feet can be useful with radius-damage weapons, such as the Sidewinder. The lower blast will toss the enemy into the air, causing a good deal of disorientation as he or she flies backward.

guide16a.jpg (10045 bytes)Regardless of your technique, you’ll hit your target more often if you practice against quick opponents. Practice will help you learn the ins and outs of each map. Learning the maps’ quirks and how to use them will always give you an edge. Run through the map alone and form the hallway and area connections in your mind. The better you can visualize the map mentally, the less trouble you’ll have tracking down an opponent on the run. Some maps have hidden areas or tough jumps you won’t discover during casual play.

Spend time figuring out what’s possible on a map, learning the fastest routes between areas, and locating effective escape routes. Visualizing the map layout and mentally pinpointing your opponent’s location will increase your chance of catching your foe by surprise—and getting the kill.

sound: You’ll find getting familiar with a map’s sound cues extremely helpful in deathmatch, particularly in one-on-one games. Each item and weapon makes a recognizable sound when it’s picked up. If you also know where each weapon is located, hearing a player grab one will lead you directly to the enemy’s position.

guide18a.jpg (10081 bytes)The same principle applies for all item pickups. Once you’ve mastered these basic sounds, you can move on to the more complex and difficult-to-pinpoint sounds involved in player movement. Although this set of noises will be harder to learn, doing so gives you a huge edge over players who don’t yet know a map’s sounds.

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