- December 17 ,2011 -
OpenKatana Satyr Teaser released! - update by DI-MeisterM
Mark "hogsy" Sowden just emailed me, that he uploaded the first one of many upcoming OpenKatana Teasers on YouTube. Enjoy!
- November 18 ,2011 -
OpenKatana updates! - update by DI-MeisterM
Mark "hogsy" Sowden just told me that a new video preview of OpenKatana is available at Youtube. There's also a gallery of development screenshots and [1] and [2] promo screenshots available! Nice!
- November 6 ,2011 -
OpenKatana in the works! - update by DI-MeisterM
I've received an email from Mark "hogsy" Sowden from oldtimes-software.com about his and Eukos work on a OpenKatana project:
"Hello me and a friend called Eukos have spent the last few months working on a project we've named OpenKatana which is an open-source recreation of Daikatana as it was in 1997. We've been making huge progress."
You can see the first couple of screenshots [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6].
There are also two YouTube videos available [1] [2].
- January 14 ,2011 -
Daikatana Mplayer Demo Wiki created by Teflon! - update by DI-MeisterM
The unstoppable Teflon was nice enough to make another Wiki, this time for the Daikatana Deathmatch / Mplayer Demo. Make sure to check it out HERE.
- January 7 ,2011 -
Daikatana Pre-Alpha Wiki created by Teflon! - update by DI-MeisterM
Happy New Year to everyone! I've received an email by Teflon where he told me about a Wiki he created for the Daikatana Pre-Alpha. There you can find all kind of information about this state of the game, compared with later states and get even more information about Weapons, Enemies, Characters, Levels and more! You can find the Wiki page HERE.
- December 4 ,2010 -
How to run DK DM Demo with modern NVIDIA drivers - update by DI-MeisterM
I was so happy after finding out what exactly causes the crash of Daikatana.exe that I thought it would be good to put up a guide, which explains step by step how to run the Daikatana DM Demo with modern NVIDIA drivers. You can find the guide HERE.
- November 14,2010 -
Daikatana Multiplayer Youtube Channel by [HCI]Morph! - update by DI-MeisterM
I got an email by [HCI]Morph where he was letting me know about his Daikatana Multiplayer Channel on Youtube. There you can watch several Deathmatches from the good old days. Make sure you check them out!
- June 19,2010 -
Daikatana Linux Server
Script 1.2 available! - update by DI-MeisterM
1.2 of the Linux Server Script for Daikatana is now available
in the Downloads
It includes a small fix and a new feature:FIXES:
- /dkserver/bin/daikatana_vnc.sh -> added 16 depth
parameter for Xvnc launch, to prevent a wine launch bug
- /dkserver/bin/daikatana_control.sh
This script can enable & disable the cronjob of the
server. You can also enable Mplayer or Lanpatch physics
for Daikatana DM Demo.
- May 20,2010 -
John Romero wants
to make the player a star - update by DI-MeisterM
lastest issue of the Gamesauce magazine features a very
detailed interview with John Romero. He talks about his
games related history including Daikatana. Regarding the
legendary "bitch ad" he says:"You
know, I never wanted to make you my bitch, not you, not
them, not any of the other players and, most importantly,
not any of my fans... That stupid ad. I regret it, and
I apologize for it... You know, when the ad was first
presented to me, I knew it was risky, and I didn’t want
to do it."
in the interview he talks about the culture of smack,
especially used in Multiplayer games. I think in that
contents the ad fits very well. Everyone who played Daikatana
in multiplayer knows how much dirty talk happened ~10
years ago.
You can download the Gamesauce magazine right HERE.
- April 10 ,2010 -
Daikatana Linux Server
Script 1.1 available! - update by DI-MeisterM
I have released version 1.1 of the Daikatana Linux Server
Script. The new version operates as cronjob and is able
to detect crashes of Daikatana server instances and re-launches
them directly. This checking process can be set within
the crontab. A readme file is included.
can find it in the Downloads section of this page. For more detailed installation instructions
and help please use this thread
on PlanetRomero!
- April 5 ,2010 -
Daikatana Linux Server
Script available! - update by DI-MeisterM
finally found some time and fun over eastern to realise
something I always wanted: an dedicated Daikatana Server
for Linux, which is able to run WITHOUT X-Window / GUI
on a Linux machine like Ubuntu Server. This script basically
creates a wine instance for each daikatana.exe -dedicated
[...] server and launches this instance in a _virtual_
You can find it in the Downloads
section of this page. For more detailed installation
instructions and help please use this thread
on PlanetRomero!
- January 16 ,2010 -
Daikatana Remake
using U3 Tech in works! - update by DI-MeisterM
New Year to everyone! The new year starts with awesome
news. I got an email from Frederik "fresch"
Schreiber where he reports that he's been working
on a Daikatana Remake of the first episode "Marsh"
using the Unreal 3 Technology. You can find more information
about the remake on the project's
webpage. John Romero likes what he sees aswell, here's
a recent quote by him:"This
is tremendous work and very exciting! It would be amazing
to play an update of Daikatana. Thanks for the hard work
and the passion!"
But to get finished with the project fresch needs
additional help from YOU. There are some job positions
open, for example modellers. Check the jobs page of at
the project's
- December 24 ,2009 -
Daikatana Widescreen
Resolution Fix - update by DI-MeisterM
finally possible to add real widescreen resolution (with
correct pixel scaling) to Daikatana 1.2 and Daikatana
Deathmatch Demo! A special thanks goes to fresch from the Rome.ro forums for posting this
guide. Below you can find two example shots at 1680x1050:
Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010!
- August 8 ,2009 -
Daikatana Mapshotpack
for Qtracker fixed - update by DI-MeisterM
noticed that the Daikatana Mapshotpack doesn't work with
the most current version of Qtracker.
You can grab the fixed package in the Download
- June 6,2009 -
Storm Sector 7 available for Quake 2 - update by DI-MeisterM
Nils "SquiSHeR" Gotzhein created a Quake 2 version of Daikatana's most successful 1vs1 map Storm Sector 7. You can download the file right here.

- April 9,2009 -
My PDK email address will stop working - update by DI-MeisterM
Because of hosting changes done by IGN my PDK email address will stop working on May 11. I think you have enough time to update it with the current one: mail(at)daikatananews.net- May 7,2008 -
I know I'm evil...more teasing - update by DI-MeisterM

- May 4,2008 -
Christmas is today - update by DI-MeisterM

Click to resize :)
- December 23,2007 -
Merry christmas and happy new year - update by DI-MeisterM
I wish you merry christmas and a good start into 2008! Furthermore I want to take the opportunity to thank following persons for their great Daikatana community help and work during the year 2007:
- December 6,2007 -
Daikatana available for free on Gametap - update by DI-MeisterM
You can play Daikatana for free on Gametap's service (this means with their software) until December 31, 2007. According to the download size of about 300 megs it seems that they haven't included the excellent soundtrack.
In other news Gametap is also offering an retrospective article about the game's history.
In personal news this is maybe something for all readers which like Trance music. I'll get my own radioshow soon, read more about it here.
- November 21,2007 -
Daikatana File Repository - update by DI-MeisterM
The developer of Daikatana Source, Pi Is A Rational, is also responsible for a brand new Daikatana File Repository where you can find demos, patches, screenshots, tools, configs and much more. So be sure you check it out ;)
- October 17,2007 -
Daikatana on valve's Source Engine - update by DI-MeisterM
The Rome.ro forums user "Pi Is A Rational" was able to port Daikatana's most famous map e1dm2a to valve's Source Engine. Here are some screenshots:
You can get more information about this topic in this Rome.ro forum thead.
- September 9,2007 -
Daikatana available on Gametap.com - update by DI-MeisterM
You can buy the full version of Daikatana on Gametap.com for just 99 cents. That's no joke, that's the price which is mentioned on their page.
Check it out ;)
- September 1,2007 -
Daikatana Deathmatch (DKDM) v1.2.2 Patch out! - update by DI-MeisterM
The EO and petroid have put together an patch for DKDM which also can be applied to the complete retail version of Daikatana. The patch includes 18 user maps and some other small fixes for DKDM. You can download it here, and the readme can be found here aswell. More information is available in the Rome.ro forums.
- July 26,2007 -
European Server is back! - update by DI-MeisterM
As promised DI-Mammut's servers are back now. I have now much better pings and the connection feels faster when many players are playing the same time on the serveral server instances. So what are you waiting for? Get Qtracker, the server list, and rock!
- July 14,2007 -
European Server downtime on July 23 - update by DI-MeisterM
My clan bro DI-Mammut, who's responsible for the European Daikatana Servers, will shut down the servers on July 23 for a couple of days, because he moves to Norway. The new 10mbit server will be back and running when it's done, but it will hopefully be only a couple of days downtime after July 23.
- May 10,2007 -
Serverlist - update by DI-MeisterM
Some people were asking me about a serverlist for Qtracker, so I prepared one for you. It will look like this if you'll add it to your Qtracker:

This is all, what you need for setting up Qtracker to find Daikatana servers:
Serverlist updated today (May 11), so please re-download it again!
- April 30,2007 -
Daikatana Deathmatch (DKDM) v1.2.1 - update by DI-MeisterM
The EO and petroid worked on a multiplayer only modification of Daikatana v1.2. The goal is to reduce the fully patched retail version of Daikatana 1.2 to multiplayer aspects, this means: if you want to play Daikatana online or in multiplayer, this is ALL you need for it. All singleplayer maps are removed, only the multiplayer contents is included. For more information check out the readme. You can download it right here and here or in the downloads section.
- April 10,2007 -
Daikatana appears in Sam & Max...kinda - update by DI-MeisterM
In the newest Sam & Max episode "Reality 2.0" the Daikatana savegem appears in the virtual world of Sam & Max's neighboar hood. Check the screenshot below:

- February 23,2007 -
Mplayer Rankings added - update by DI-MeisterM
Today I added the Mplayer Rankings system. This page offers you all kind of rankings the player could receive while playing on the Mplayer match system a couple of years ago. Special thanks to my bro Sarge for sending me his huge Daikatana material package!
- December 10,2006 -
Daikatana on YouTube - update by DI-MeisterM
Some Daikatana gameplay videos are now available on the very popular You Tube platform. Here's the current list:
In other news I talked to John Romero and he will put something Daikatana related up for these year's christmas time. Be prepared, it will be available here aswell ;)
- August 27,2006 -
DK's Storm Sector 7 goes Warsow - update by DI-MeisterM
Right now I'm very deep into mapping for my current favorite fast paced multiplayer FPS called Warsow. You might know that the original map was developed by Bobby Pavlock for Daikatana. Some time ago John Romero gave me some source map files of the game so that I can use them. I still can't release them, because of copyright issues, but I'm allowed to use them for other games. After Quake 3, Warsow is the second game I use it for. You can get more details about the map and the download link in this thread.
- August 23,2006 -
Daikatana easter egg found after 6 years - update by DI-MeisterM
Djedditt found one of the last remaining easter eggs in Daikatana. This one hasn't been discovered before. Here's his explanation:
"I was browsing through some sounds of Daikatana when I noticed the one I was listening to was a backwards message. So I inverted it and I got something like this;
"Bow before the Lord of Darkness and drink from the well of Daddy's milk"
I'm talking about the lostsoul8.wav found here; "..\Daikatana\data\sounds\e3\"
I uploaded the inverted file; http://djedditt.net/daikatana/lostsoul8_inverted.wav (right click, save as..)"
You can read the whole story and Romero's comment here.
- July 1,2006 -
Romero Video Interview - update by DI-MeisterM
John Romero talked with Games.net about Doom, Quake, the Monkeystone era and give us some hints about his current top secret project.

- June 26,2006 -
First Daikatana Done Quick Movie released! - update by DI-MeisterM
[HCI]Morph has made another Daikatana movie. This time it shows Shambler's quick run through Daikatana's Episode 1 and a couple of Episode 2 & 4 maps. The whole video has a length of about 17 minutes and the size is 500 megs.
also available in the movies
- June 13,2006 -
New Daikatana Deathmatch movie! - update by DI-MeisterM
[HCI]Morph has made another Daikatana movie. This time it's about me and a funny FFA with [CNL]Thor and Firestorm on the map SS7 (Original). But this time rockets only, these means the Sidewinder is our only friend. After watching this video I remember again how much fun Daikatana was in multiplayer...it still is!
also available in the movies
- May 30,2006 -
New Rome.ro forum launched! - update by DI-MeisterM
John Romero installed a new forum software with a nice look. Furthermore it features many more useful functions for us members. Just check it out here:

- May 17,2006 -
John Romero interview @ 3D Realms - update by DI-MeisterM
3D Realms released their newest interview in their The Apogee Legacy section. This time they interviewed John for it. Here's a quick quote:
"And what's your favorite 2-4 games released by anyone else?
My favorite OTHER games: Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil 4, World of Warcraft, Half Life 2."

- May 1,2006 -
New Daikatana movie by [HCI]Morph - update by DI-MeisterM
[HCI]Morph has made another Daikatana movie. This video is about a nice FFA match with a couple of players on the map SS7 (Original).

also available in the movies
- April 14,2006 -
iPod meets Daikatana - update by DI-MeisterM
Djedditt, a forum user from the Rome.ro forums, modified his iPod, so that he can run the GameBoy version of Daikatana on it. You can read the whole story in this thread. Here are two preview pictures:

- March 17,2006 -
Romero Interview - update by DI-MeisterM
And Video Games had the opportunity to interview John
Romero about his game development eras. He also talks
about his Ion Storm times and Daikatana:
"The idea with Daikatana was let's do something
different, but four different times! To have a lot of
different stages where you still have to learn new things
as a player - they're excited because on level eight,
you get new weapons, new monsters - it's a brand new world.
That'd be "Wow!" - a real rollercoaster for
the player, plus the whole sidekick thing. I just think
that the execution wasn't what I'd hoped for - something
new and fun."
Read the full interview here!
- March 1,2006 -
Daikatana photo gallery - update by DI-MeisterM
the last days of february John opened a new photo gallery.
This gallery shows some prototyp packages of Daikatana,
old advertisments and a lot of more stuff. You can look
into the gallery right here.
- February 1,2006 -
new Deathmatch movies - update by DI-MeisterM
two new movies are released. The first one features again
H9-Atrocity. The second one is about Yamazaki's E3 action
in Hellkeep. Like always, these movies are made by [HCI]Morph. If there's somebody out there who's willing to mirror/host
a couple of movies, please mail me: mail(at)daikatananews.net.
also available in the movies
- January 27,2006 -
movie #3 - update by DI-MeisterM
[HCI]Morph has made another Daikatana movie. This one is the last part of the H9-Atrocity series which
shows FFA matches on the most popular map "Gibbler
on the Roof".

also available in the movies
- January 24,2006 -
ownage - update by DI-MeisterM
Two new wallpapers are made by our lovely
Daikatana community. The first one is done by [S.F.C]Sarge and the second is created by mrdiffrence. Make
sure you check out this thread
over @ Rome.ro!
- January 16,2006 -
1.0 by [S.F.C]Sarge - update by DI-MeisterM
Mathieu '[S.F.C]Sarge' Sarrasin made a kind of bot for Daikatana.
It's basically a bot which attacks with melee weapon.
Furthermore it should spawn on any map with singleplayer
start. Below you can see the bot in action on SliceDM1:
can get more information in this Rome.ro
forums thread! I've also mirrored the KatanaBot here.
- January 14,2006 -
movie #2 - update by DI-MeisterM
[HCI]Morph has made another Daikatana movie. This time it features the player H9-Atrocity
and a former member of the Damage Inc. clan. Enjoy ;)

also available in the movies
- January 4,2006 -
Nintendo goes Daikatana - update by DI-MeisterMA John Romero Forums member called Djedditt modified his Super
Nintendo console to make it look like Daikatana. Here
are a few shots:
screenshots and detailed information can be found in the Daikatana
Older news <=