Multiplayer FAQ

1.) Why are other players much faster than myself?
This can have several reasons.
1.) They've chosen Mikiko as player model. She starts
with one SPEED point.
2.) They use the Strafe Jump
to gain speed.
3.) They powered up their stats, like SPEED or ACRO. Read
more about it here.

Sometimes my stats flash (arrow is blinking at Power)
in the left side of the HUD, what does that mean?
That means it's time to boost up your stats. Now you can
choose which ability you would like to upgrade. You can
A detailed introduction can be found here.

What does Rocket Arena mean?
Rocket Arena is a very popular mod(ification) since Quake.
There you have special maps with jumppads and the only
weapon you have is the Sidewinder. Normally you wouldn't
cause any damage with the Rocket Launcher on yourself,
but unfortunately this feature isn't available in Daikatana.
So you cause damage on yourself and your enemy.

What does Instagib mean?
In Instagib you only have one weapon and one hit means
one frag. You spawn randomly with one of these two weapons:
Episode 1: Sidewinder / Ion Blaster
Episode 2: Poseidon's Trident / Venomous
Episode 3: Ballista / Bolter
Episode 4: Kineticore / Slugger

Why can some people jump very high (from ground to buildings)
with the Episode 1 Shotcycler weapon?
That's because they use the Shotcycler

Why can some people jump very high with the Sidewinder
/ Poseidon's Trident / Ballista / Kineticore weapon?
That's because they master the Rocketjump perfectly. Some
people might also use this

Why do I sometimes hang in walls or lag near walls when
I play in Episode 3?
Another player might "nail" you with the Ballista
weapon on the wall so you can't move. It seems like lagging
but you can hit always the TAB-key to take a look on your

Is it right that I can't find in Episode 2 map Catacomb
Carnage (e2m2a) any ammo for Poseidon's Trident?
Yes that right! It seems the developers left the ammo
out because of balancing or they just forgot to put it

How do the Episode 2 weapon Eye of Zeus and the
Episode 3 weapon Nharre's Nightmare work? I normally
kill myself only?
You can only kill your enemies with that weapon if they're
in your sight. So if they hit between a rock or something
else you will kill yourself only. They also have to be
on the same high than yourself.

What is Deathtag? Can you explain me the rules?
There are 2 teams of 2 players each, a red and a blue
team. The objective of the game is to find your team's
bomb, and to score with it. The Deathtag Mod needs good
coordination between the 2 teammates.
The bomb, in the team base, it is hidden behind a door.
To open that door, one of the players has to go push a
button in the other team base.Then the first player can
take the bomb.
When the player takes the bomb, he uses a teleport and
spawns in the other team's base. As the scoring area is
in his base, he has to come back in his team base.
The scoring area is after a big body of slime. The slime
won't hurt the player who has the bomb.
The 2 bases are exactly the same (except for color). On
the roof you will find an Attack PowerUp, a 200 Armor,
the Gaz Hand (The best weapon ever !) and 2 packs of rocket
(text written by DI-Smover)

I have problems to join a server, what is the reason?
This situation can have several reasons.
1.) Your gameversion is still 1.0. The majority of gameservers
use 1.2. You can get the patch in the Files
2.) The gameserver has a map running which you haven't
installed in your Daikatana folder. Make sure you have
installed the Official Mappack
and take a look at the user maps in the Files
Section and on Smovermaps!
3.) Start Daikatana.exe with the +set console 1
parameter and take a look in the console if you get a
"Loading plaque timeout" error. This error mostly
appears on an old OS, like Win98 or WinMe.
You can try to fix this issue with following steps:
PROGRAMS, then click the WINDOWS SETUP tab, then click
once on INTERNET TOOLS, then click DETAILS, then uncheck
4.) If you get disconnected from a server, it usual takes
a few minutes before you can join again. As the server
has to kick your ghost out before you can join again.