December 24,2004 -
Merry xmas and a happy new year 2005! - update
by DI-MeisterM
John Romero recently updated his
page and added a Java based GameChat
to the page. You need to be registered at the Rome.ro
forums to use it.
I also prepared a little present especially for the Daikatana

christmas to you and a happy new year 2005!
Special greetings to Quake.de, which were unfortunately
- December 20,2004 -
1000brush mappack for Quake released - update
by DI-MeisterM
You might ask why do I write this into the news
of this Daikatana related page? Easy answer: this mappack
for Quake uses the Daikatana Norway textures from Episode
3. Take a look on these two screenshots:
can find a download link in this Rome.ro
forums discussion thread.
- December 19,2004 -
Rome.ro Daikatana page update - update
by DI-MeisterM
John updated his Daikatana
page with news regarding the GameBoy Color version
of Daikatana. He also links to 1UP.com's
Daikatana history page.

December 7,2004 -
DAIKATANA PRE-ALPHA (MARCH 21, 1997) released! - update
by DI-MeisterM
One of the things I already stopped in believing finally
happened. John Romero has released the very first
pre-alpha version of Daikatana. At this development
process the game was using the Quake(1) technology.
The pre-alpha version comes with two playable
singleplayer maps: e1m3 and e2m3.

few other fans and myself helped John with the creation
of the documentation for this pre-alpha version. The documentation
is very detailed written and should answer almost every
You can get the pre-alpha of Daikatana on John
Romero's brand new Daikatana page!
November 24,2004 -
ION Storm office photos - update by DI-MeisterM
John Romero has released on his website
many photos from the old ION Storm office tower. Simply
click on the image and you'll enter John's photo gallery:

September 22,2004 -
Killcreek Strat Guide available - update
by DI-MeisterM
I added Killcreek's
Strat Guide for the Mplayer Daikatana Deathmatch Demo
to the page. But I also changed some images (like weapon
or armor) so that they fit better to the demo. No text
changes were done.
September 19,2004 -
Dedicated Server guide updated- update
by DI-MeisterM
DI-Mammut and myself updated the Setting
up an dedicated Internetserver guide. We also added
a collection of server configurations for download here.
September 17,2004 -
Huge update to the community section - update
by DI-MeisterM
I added a big list of Daikatana players to the community
section. It contains all known clans and players.
There's also a list of clanless players. Both groups had
a strong input to build up the Daikatana community.
September 16,2004 -
DaikatanaNews.net is born! - update by
I decided to change the clanpage to DaikatanaNews.net
because the DI Clan is dead. There are too many inactive
members. But I didn't want to close the page so it will
stay online with all Daikatana related news. There will
be updates from time to time like in the pasts. As you
can see there have been many visual updates to page, but
there are also contents updates. Feel free to look around
and have fun!
September 15,2004 -
Best of Daikatana Frags Video #3 - update
by DI-MeisterM
has released the third video of "Best
of Daikatana Frags". The video is 6:30 mins
long and shows one of the best Daikatana players out there
in action. Read more about it here.
September 5,2004 -
Bastardz from own-age.com - update by DI-MeisterM
Those bastardz from own-age.com don't want to host the
Daikatana videos from [HCI]Morph.
That's their reply:
"Being that own-age.com is growing more and more
every day, our standards must raise, and we can't accept
you wish to revise your video, and include some editing
and more/better content, we'd be more than happy to give
it a second chance.
you, and I hope you understand our stance!"
Yeah, it's better to host the 9999th Counter-Stirke camper
video and the 99th Q3 "I'll rail your way, baby"
video than the first video of Daikatana ever.
August 6,2004 -
Best of Daikatana Frags Video #2 - update
by DI-MeisterM
has released the second video of "Best
of Daikatana Frags". The video is 4:50 mins
long and shows one of the best Daikatana players out there
in action. Read more about it here.
Additional note: an own-age.com
mirror will be available soon for both videos!
July 21,2004 -
Best of Daikatana Frags Video #1 - update
by DI-MeisterM
has released the first video of "Best of Daikatana
Frags". The video is 4:55 mins long and shows one
of the best Daikatana players out there in action. Read
more about it here.
June 15,2004 -
Gauntlet will offer Daikatana stuff - update
by DI-MeisterM
John Romero is currently working at Midway on a Gauntlet
remake for consoles. In the forums John confirmed, that
the game will include secret stuff, taken from Daikatana.
That means that all E3M1 maps of Daikatana will be included
in Gauntlet. Furthermore the other Gauntlet developers
are surprised about the sidekicks in Daikatana. Read more
about it here
April 13,2004 -
Daikatana.net is available! - update by
Madcow, the adimistrator of the new Daikatana resource
page Daikatana.net,
has finally launched his page. Take a look into the huge
file section the page offers. It will be updated from
time to time, so be prepared :)
March 21,2004 -
NVIDIA ForceWare 56.82 Daikatana issues - update
by DI-MeisterM
The new ForceWare (formely Detonator) drivers for Nvidia
cards are available now for Win9x/Me
and Win2000/XP
systems. But they have a little bug included: you're not
able to turn off Vsync for OpenGL mode completly. That's
really bad, because this really increases Daikatana's
map loading times. But there's a work around: download
the tool RivaTuner
and click on the arrow on the right of Drivers settings
/ Customize. Then click on OpenGL / Vsync and set it to
"Always off".
February 26,2004 -
Multiplayer FAQ added! - update by DI-MeisterM
I just put the first 10 most popular questions and answers
online. It will help you a lot to understand how Daikatana's
multiplayer works and why things seem to be strange in
this mode. You can find the FAQ in the l33t
stuff section! If you have additional questions you
want to see in this FAQ, feel free to mail
February 2,2004 -
John Romero married Rhaluka - update by
John and Rhaluka married in Romania. You can read the
whole story right here.
The DI-Clan congrats you two and wishes you the best for
the future!
January 4,2004 -
Qtracker Daikatana mapshots official released- update
by DI-MeisterM
Ron Mercer, the developer of Qtracker, has just released
the official Daikatana Mapshots package for his server
multi-utility Qtracker. You can find it on his
page or in the Files Section!
Just a note: if you have Qtracker installed you just need
to double click the file. It will install all contents
December 24,2003 -
Merry xmas and a happy new year!- update
by DI-MeisterM
Merry xmas and a happy new year from the last remaining
Daikatana only clan. May your dreams and wishes will come
true. As a little present for you DI-Mammut made
this Qtracker
mapshot package, which includes all mapshots from
DK 1.2 + official mappack.
You have to extract it to: \Qtracker\Mapshots\Daikatana

November 15,2003 -
Qtracker with Daikatana support out!- update
by DI-MeisterM
Ron Mercer, the author of the fully-functional server
browser Qtracker, has released a new version with Daikatana
support. It's available on the Qtracker
homepage, so check it out ;)
note to all server admins:
Please use QtUplink for adding your DK server(s) to the
Qtracker master serverlist. This will have the effect
that other players can see your server(s) in the list
and can join.
October 28,2003 -
Rome.ro update - update by DI-MeisterM
John Romero updated his Rome.ro
page with a bunch of news. He talks about his new
girlfriend Raluca and his re-location at San Diego where
he works for Midway Home Entertainment. Furthermore Red
Faction for Nokia's N-Gage gone gold.
October 14,2003 -
More Romero & Hall & Midway- update
by DI-MeisterM
confirms Romero and Hall sign-on on GameSpot has confirmation
of today's report that the pair of MonkeyStone designers
have signed on at Midway. Here's a bit, that adds some
new fuel to the fires of speculation:
San Diego today confirmed that two of the industry's most
widely known designers, John Romero and Tom Hall, have
signed on to lend their experience to one of the company's
upcoming action titles (which, one Midway insider says,
is an already-in-the-works new version of Gauntlet).
will be the project lead, while Hall will carry the title
of creative director. Both designers will also assume
roles with broader responsibilities at the San Diego studio.
The pair will start work Wednesday.
October 13,2003 -
John Romero & Tom Hall to Midway- update
by DI-MeisterM
and Video Games has a report up indicating that John
Romero and Tom Hall, formerly of id Software and ION Storm
(now Monkeystone),
have hooked up at Midway, though the scant detail in the
report does not make it clear whether this also means
an end to their association with MonkeyStone Games. Here's
a bit:
information received from sources close to the company,
we contacted Midway earlier today and a spokesperson confirmed
to us the company has employed the talents of none other
than ex-id Software and ex-Ion Storm men John "Don't
mention Daikatana" Romero and Tom Hall.
the spokesperson couldn't confirm the capacity in which
these industry stalwarts have been employed, inside sources
have informed us that Hall will assume the role of creative
director at Midway and oversee all the company's internal
on the other hand, will, according to our source, re-shape
the internal studio and head-up one of Midway's forthcoming
October 11,2003 -
Site updates- update by DI-MeisterM
Today I re-upploaded all Wallpapers
and Music files. This time it's
a safe webspace and they should stay longer than before.
September 24,2003 -
Rome.ro Forums are back- update by DI-MeisterM
For all of you who didn't figure it out already alone:
the Rome.ro
Forums are back online! It was an ISP issue which
was thankfully fixed a few days ago.
Btw: DI Clan is still waiting for the interview answers
John ;)
- September 14,2003 -
Rome.ro Interviews and Forums- update by
There are two John Romero interviews available:
the Rome.ro
page and forums
are currently down.
September 2,2003 -
We need YOUR help to get the source code!- update
by DI-MeisterM
We all know that John has the source code. He can't release
it, because Eidos doesn't allow him to make it public.
So I want to set up an email to Eidos, with a big signature
of all DK fans out there. You all should post here
your email address and write one sentence to agree with
this last try and that you want to support DK with this
action. We need as many as possible people!
I will send Eidos the link from this thread plus a signature
which contains all email addresses from the fans, who
want the source code.
in @ Rome.ro
in @ PDK
- July 12,2003 -
Lost member is finally back!- update by
DI-Tattooman is finally back to DK. He left Damage Inc.
for about 2,5 years.
I played with him today and his skills are still bad ass.
Great to have you back bro!
- June 19,2003 -
John Romero's Congo Cube is out!- update
by DI-MeisterM
I just took a random look at the Congo Cube webpage and
noticed that the Download area has finally opened! You
can get the demo version of this high addicted game there.
Just click on the image to get to the page:
June 5,2003 - 
Usermappack & ION Radiant available- update
by DI-MeisterM
The community Usermappack is now available as direct download
link in the Files Section. The
usermappack is done by DI-smover, Dr. Foxy and Lord Killer.
Furthermore I uploaded the official Map Editor from ION
Storm called "ION Radiant". It's available here.
- June 2,2003 -
A few updates- update by DI-MeisterM
Today I made a few updates to the Files
Section and added some Wallpapers.
Check it out!
- May 29,2003 -
All DK wallpapers are online now!- update
by DI-MeisterM
Yes! I uploaded all excisting DK Wallpapers and added
them on the page. There are little preview pictures which
will show you how the wallpapers look like. They can be
found in the l33t stuff Section.
- May 27,2003 -
New mp3s for download- update by DI-MeisterM
Today I added several mp3 music files from Will Loconto,
which were released 1997. I added them with direct and
fast download links, so no Fileplanet waiting. Furthermore
I uploaded the lost music files, which didn't make the
way into the retail version of Daikatana. The music is
available in Files Section on
the bottom of the page.
- May 26,2003 -
Q1 Engine supports DK maps- update by DI-MeisterM
The programmer DarkOne works on an updated Q1 Engine which
supports Q2 maps. He already ported "Gibbler on the
Roof" from the Daikatana DM Demo and "Wizard's
Roost" from DK Retail to his engine:
You can
get more information about this project in the Rome.ro
Older news <=